Let me introduce you to my plan
Wednesday, November 16, 2016A long time ago, I started my first blog. I can't recall what the first blog post was about and I doubt it might have helped me write this one. So let's start with a little introduction. My name is Eline and I want to be a creative entrepreneur.
Let me explain myself. I'm currently employed as a full-time graphic designer at a local start-up. I've only been at my job for a couple of months and although I love doing it (and it's only my first job), I decided even before I found this job that one day I want to be self-employed.
I've just finished a long time as a student (trying to become a vet, and failing, getting a master's degree in communication and doing an extra bachelor in graphic design). It took me years to figure out what I wanted to do with my life. The longer I was studying the more certain I became of a couple of things:
- I want a creative job
- I want to work to live, not live to work
- I have ever shifting interests
- I want to keep on learning new things. This is one of my priorities in life
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